Traditional Bone Broth for Healthier Teeth, Gut, Skin, Immune System, and Joints
Dieticians are still trying to figure out if bone broth is an essential food or not. They know it has calcium, iron, collagen, amino acids, and trace minerals, but can’t you just get those from a supplement or other foods? Do we need to eat bone broth?
There’s an idea that nutrients are more than just the molecular needs of our bodies. In theory, you could just make nutrients in a laboratory, take those, and live a great life.
No, what we need is real food. Something noted by Dr. Weston Price, a dentist, when he traveled to remote parts of the world in the 1930s to study cavities, was that the indigenous people who ate a traditional diet have almost perfect bone structures and teeth.
These communities have very few modern diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Their incidence of back pain and joint inflammation is also very low. And – across the world – there are similarities in their diets.
One of those similarities is bone. Most ancient cultures have some way, typically through the cooking of the bones in water over low heat for many hours, to consume bone. When they do consume animal protein, they eat the entire animal “tip to tail.” Including the bones.
Bone broth is a perfect source of collagen and glutamine. Collagen is what holds your connective tissue together. It prevents your skin from sagging, your bones from breaking, and your tendons from tearing. Glutamine is an amino acid that feeds your immune system and intestinal cells.
In short, bone broth is for everyone! My kids won’t eat rice unless I cook it in bone broth, and I’m happy to do it.
How often should you eat it? At least twice a week will provide some noticeable improvements in your health. Ideally, eat it 4 times a week, but every day is great. Oh, and you CAN take it in pill form. The one that we sell is called Ligaplex (I or II), and is made from the direct food source; it’s not synthetic.
If you have any of these conditions, eating bone broth is essential to your healing:
* Intestinal illness: IBS, Chron’s, Celiac, SIBO, etc.
* Joint pains: healing from injuries, osteoporosis/penia, arthritis, etc.
* Autoimmune issues: Endometriosis, Grave’s, Lupus, RA, Sjogren’s, MS, etc.
* Healing from illnesses
How do you cook bone broth?
It’s fairly easy; we have instructions in our downloadable cookbook.
You can also just buy it at the store. Quality varies by brand, so read your labels. I’ve found that the local bone broth I get from my milkman (for real, I have a milk man who delivers RAW – unpasteurized – milk) is the best. Also check out your local farmer’s market. If you get it from the store, my favorite brand is “Pacifica Foods.” Their quality seems to be the best out of the supermarket brands that at my store.
How do you eat bone broth?
One question I see come up a lot when I introduce people to bone broth (“Broth, this is Sally; Sally, this is Broth.”) — HOW do you eat it? Yes, yes, with a spoon.... but for me, I prefer to cook with it.
I use it as a base for soup, even just adding a little diced chive or sauteed mushroom to it when I want something simple. I also like to use it when I’m cooking grains, like rice or quinoa. Whenever a (savory) recipe calls for water, feel free to add bone broth!
So, tell me, have you had bone broth before? It’s also – back in the olden days – known as “stock.” If you’ve had it before, how often do you eat it? Any other tips we should know?
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