Natural Health Center Blog

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Pain Relief with Nutrition: Effective Home Remedies for Gout

Gout is the painful buildup of uric acid crystals in a joint.  Usually it's the big toe, but...

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Stay Cool and Energized: 7 Quick Nutrition Tips for Beating the Summer Heat

If you've never survived a Texas summer, here's the scoop:  while a heat wave in February or...

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What to Do (and Not Do) to Treat (and Prevent) a Urinary Tract Infection

Who knew that acupuncture treats a urinary tract infection (UTI)?  A UTI can present as...

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The Best Antiviral Herbs for the Common Cold, Flu, Cold Sores, and More

Viruses are not new to humankind, but fortunately, nature also holds the...

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A Look at AutoImmune Dis-Ease Through a Holistic Lens: Which Herbs Can Help

When diagnosed with an autoimmune problem like Lupus, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Endometriosis,...

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Acupuncture and Other Natural Treatments for PMS

PMS can include (but is not limited to) – irritability, anxiety, depression, breast...

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Healing From COVID Resources and Links

Got the Coronavirus?  Other than the hassle of quarantining, it’s not a huge...

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Natural Solutions to Acid Relux and Heartburn

When it comes to finding a permanent solution to acid reflux and heartburn...

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Are Antibiotics Bad For You?

I took my dog to the vet the other day because his kennel cough had gone on for 10 days...

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