Are Vaccines a Safe, Effective, and Necessary Part of Immune Function?
We’re told that vaccinations are part of a healthy lifestyle.
“Well, you don’t want to get the flu, do you?!” The common flu has a survival rate of 99.9%, by the way. And approximately 44% of Americans receive the flu vaccine every year.
As an herbalist, I've seen people get vaccinated and still get sick, or worse. I've also seen vaccinated and not-vaxxed people quickly recover from flus, colds, and COVID with all-natural treatments.
Your immune system is a network of cells, organs, and glands that fight off pathogens like viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other foreign matter (chemicals, pollens, etc.).
98-99% of disease-prevention is based on your innate (“inborn or natural”) immune system.
This includes epithelial barriers, mucous membranes, phagocytes, and natural killer cells. It also includes the functioning of your thymus, spleen, and bone marrow.
You can think of this part of your immune system as your police force, fire department, military, and justice system all rolled into one.
Acquired (“to obtain for oneself”) immunity is cellular memory.
These cells, called antibodies, remember how to effectively fight off certain diseases.
Antibodies are only about 2% of your immune response.
This is what vaccines focus on.
This 2% of your immune system.
The innate immune system is like your body's government, and the acquired immune system is like someone who sees something, and calls the police.
It’s your immune system’s whistle-blower.
So, do we irritate the acquired immune system AT THE EXPENSE of the innate immune system? Because that’s what vaccines do. They irritate the immune system. It's the irritation of those cells that clue them in to look for a potential virus, for example.
Because of this irritation, a lot of folks end up with nerve damage, autoimmune conditions, or worse as a side-effect of the vaccines. They're not fool-proof. With any "miracle" drug, you will have side-effects. They won't impact everyone, but they will effect some.
I know. I've met several of them. (Acupuncture has helped relieve most of their symptoms from the vaccine-caused-damage.)
Why not focus on having a great innate immune system that can fend off invaders?
Even Rudolph Virchow, the “Father of Modern Medicine” said –
“If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat – diseased tissue – rather than being the cause of diseased tissue; mosquitoes seek the stagnant water but do not cause the water to become stagnant.”
“Had it not been for the mass selling of vaccines, Pasteur’s germ theory of disease would have collapsed into obscurity.” – E. Douglas Hume, author of Pasteur Exposed.
As far as vaccinations go, I don’t think any authority figure – the government, your doctor, or your workplace – has the right to dogmatically tell you what you should or shouldn’t do with your health and the health of your family. With the facts properly laid out, you should be able to come up with a logical and emotionally-sound decision for yourself.
It’s your fundamental right as a patient whether or not to consent to a medical treatment.
After World War II, the Nuremberg Code was established to protect the rights of any person undergoing a medical procedure.
Part of it reads: “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential.” The Declaration of Geneva, adopted by the World Medical Association in 1948 states that “I will not use my medical knowledge to violate human rights and civil liberties, even under threat.” One of the central tenants of the practice of medicine is “Informed Consent,” which roughly states that “when a sufficiently capacitated adult does not give …voluntary consent to intervention … the intervention is impermissible…”
But by mandating vaccines, we are losing our right to consent to the treatment. (By the way, all cases where nurses groups have taken hospital or clinic management to court to fight mandated vaccination, have won. So far, the legal precedent is on the side of the patient’s voluntary consent.)
Mandatory vaccines are just plain un-American.
In some states, like in California, they're taking away the right to chose what medical procedures you deem appropriate for you and your family. My friends in San Diego were worried they wouldn’t be able to put their 5-year-old in kindergarten because they didn’t want to vaccinate her. In California, unless you have a documented medical reason not to vaccinate, you can’t go to school. Doctors are given 3 per year. They're only allowed to give 3 people per year a medical exemption, or the doctor gets flagged, and will possibly lose their medical license. They eventually found a doctor that used a familial egg allergy as a reason to not vaccinate their child, so she's able to attend school.
Some people argue “If vaccines are bad, why isn’t that published on the front of every newspaper and heralded from every reporter?!”
This is why: news agencies rely on advertising $$$ to stay in business. Pharmaceutical companies spend billions of dollars every year on advertising. No major publication will risk losing their biggest customers.
How about when the vaccines are called “immunizations?” Except they’re not. Vaccines are temporary. Immunity means
Vaccines temporarily increase your antibodies to an organism. Even the CDC explanation form “how vaccines work,” they say “after a while, however, that immunity begins to wear off.”
(Record scratch) – I’m sorry, did you say the ‘immunity begins to wear off?’
Then why even get it?
The thing about the flu (and measles and many other diseases that vaccine companies and the CDC think we need vaccinations for which multiplies every year): most people survive it.
We have antibiotics (which you take only when, of course, you’re about to die from a bacterial infection, and no other time), hospitals, medication, and even qualified herbalists all over the world can save you from infectious diseases.
We live in a time and place where we have other options available.
The measles outbreak in California was 150 people – none of whom died. In Europe right now there’s a huge push to vaccinate, especially in rural Romania and Ukraine due to thousands of outbreaks of measles every year. There have been deaths, but only in societies (gypsies) who don’t visit traditional doctors. With modern medicine, death from measles is quite rare.
The flu vaccine – touted as protection against all 4 varieties of the flu – has been shown to have an effectiveness rate of around 36%.
Placebo is 35%.
Even if the effectiveness rate was 60%, which some news sources have reported, if this is effective “immunization” shouldn’t it be closer to 100%? Why’s it not working so often on so many people?
The thing is, there are 4 strains of flu virus, with immeasurable mutations within each of those 4 classes. These viruses are smart and are constantly changing and evolving. So what you’re getting vaccinated against may not be what you actually come into contact with. Now it's the same for COVID. People - humans - can only GUESS what a virus is going to do.

Too much activity in your acquired immune system causes your nerves to be on hyper-vigilant overdrive. This is why vaccines may be one underlying cause of autoimmune disorders.
Also, It's simply not addressing things that help your innate immune system function optimally.
It was critical for the new medical industry “to indoctrinate the public in the Western world with the belief that the salvation from all, especially physical ailments, lay outside the individual’s system and responsibility, because it was caused by external factors…and that chemical remedies (drugs) will keep him free from disease, independent of his own vigilant responsibility.” -Howard Hencke (“Germ Theory: A Deliberate Aberration”)
So why the rise of epidemic illness like Asiatic Flu, Swine Flu, etc.?
“The viral (and other germs) diseases build up strength and resilience when it gets into weakened people or test animals. That’s why when our malnutrition is at its peak these diseases come in like a prairie fire in dry weather and build up their virulence to where they can mow down everybody. So that’s why we have these waves of invading epidemics all the time. Various forms of colds and flu and so forth.” - Dr. Royal Lee, 1933
Here are the top 3 things you can do to stay healthy during flu season, and really any time of the year.
Whole food nutrition
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables
Use a vitamin C complex like Cataplex C or A-C
Use Calcium Lactate. Low blood serum calcium has been linked with critical illness and diseases and the length of recovery time.
Determine Zinc deficiency and supplement or change diet (eat less sugar and processed foods) as needed
Vitamin D: sun exposure and a good quality fish oil
Vitamin F: essential fatty acids (EFAs) also found in fish oil and nuts like brazil nuts, almonds, and sunflower seeds
Hygiene and sanitation
Most infectious disease death rates were already going down (see graph below), and drastically so, way before the introduction of vaccines. The reason? Clean water, regulated food industry, and sanitation.
Hand-washing is the best way to prevent getting sick. Hands down.
Stress management
Keep your cortisol and adrenaline in check. Meditate, walk, drink water. Play and have fun. Keep a balance in your life.
- Get enough sleep.
- Rest and stay home when you feel like you're getting sick (or ARE sick). Get better quickly this way, and don't get your co-workers sick.
VAERS, a vaccine injury reporting website run by Health and Human Services, shows over 59,000 reports of injuries, 450 of which are death, in 2016. It’s also speculated that many incidences (estimated 10x as many) go unreported. I don’t know about you, but I’m not willing to die or risk my kids dying just to get a vaccine against something like measles, which – chances are – people will survive if they get it.
The number of incidents reported in 2021 was astronomical, by the way. Over 100x the usual number of reports as people rushed out to get the novel (and experimental*) COVID vaccine. *It was approved by the FDA in 2021 only as an "emergency use authorization." Normally it takes 5-10 years to approve a vaccine. They should be tested for safety much longer than a few months.
The big argument pro-vaccination is that “this is science.” And if you’re anti-vax, you’re anti-science. In school, when I learned about how vaccines were created, I was amazed. “This is a great invention!” But the science doesn't stop there. That is only the beginning.
An Example: In the early 2010’s, a large number of Somalian immigrants ended up in Minnesota. As per federal regulations, they all received 100% of the recommended vaccines. Then, the autism started. In the whole United States, the autism rate is around one out of 500 kids. In this Somalian community, it was one out of every 32 kids. At first they didn’t know what was happening to their children because no word exists in their language for autism.
- By 2016, around 40% of the population had stopped vaccinating. Then a measles “outbreak” occurred which of course ended up in all the headlines. It was 70 people. AND NOBODY DIED.
- Yes, is sucks to have the measles; my kids had it. But, especially in this day and age where we have amazing access to clean water and vitamins and even Tylenol, it would be unlikely that anyone would die or become severely injured from measles.
- Even in the 1960s – before the measles vaccine – only one out of every 500,000 people died from measles.
- AND – why don’t we study this population now to see if the unvaccinated kids are becoming autistic? It would be a perfectly controlled setting to see if there is a measurable difference, but nobody is doing it.
Why don’t we study populations of kids who may be susceptible to vaccine injury?
We can’t just say “this is preposterous” and ignore the situation, says Dr. Bernadine Healy, former head of the NIH. Some kids get it and some kids don’t, but what would it hurt to look into why this is happening? “…the question has not been answered.”
No studies on the current vaccine schedule have been done to test for safety. All medications are tested for reactions to other medications, but not vaccines. Why is this not being done?
There are lots of toxic ingredients in vaccines. Thimerosal (ethylmercery) is the only one “studied.” There have been 4 total studies. I’ll tell you about 1 of them: One of the studies done was by Poul Thorsen. He has been indictred by a federal grand jury for embezzling over $1 million from his research.
Other vaccines additives that need more studies: aluminum (a known neuro-toxin) and formaldehyde (which irritates the upper respiratory system and may cause cancer).
When you get sick – flu, measles, whooping cough – your body makes its own antigens that usually work pretty well. Since most of us survive the flu nowadays, and being exposed to it makes you less likely to get it in the future, and the flu vaccine is just a guess since they’re not sure which viral strain will be in the air, why even bother stuffing all those toxins in your body?
In any vaccine argument, the pro-vaxxers will bring up Andrew Wakefield. He lost his medical license after an inquiry into a study he did with a group of other doctors found him guilty of "dishonesty." The judgement was based more on "conflict of interest" and not the legitimacy of the findings in the study.
The original study showed a link between 12 children with autism that started after the MMR vaccine. In particular, that the vaccine led to an inflammatory bowel condition (leaky gut) which led to proteins in the bloodstream which led to signs of autism.
The son of a friend of mine also developed autism after the MMR vaccine as well. He was a happy and healthy baby. The day after that vaccine, he stopped making eye contact and smiling. He also developed allergies - eczema and sinus allergies, digestive problems. For my friend, it was just very obvious. No study needed.
The other doctors charged with malpractice from the Wakefield study were later given back their medical licenses. Andy decided not to bother because he was helping so many people actually recover from autism by identifying food allergies and healing their guts.
The original study that got those docs in trouble found that they could “not accept nor reject” that the DTAP vaccine led to autism. But it did make Mr. Wakefield question whether or not changes in the gut flora made some people more susceptible to it.
When I was growing up, I remember getting shots like 2 or 3 times. Now, there are 72 different vaccines given before the age of 18! That’s an awful lot of toxins going into a child with a developing nervous system.
I personally know people – a cousin, a good childhood friend, and my step-daughter – with children affected by autism. ALL OF THEM NOTICED A DIFFERENCE AFTER A VACCINATION. These are not isolated incidences. If you search on YouTube for “vaccine injury” you will find thousands of videos.
If this was a murder trial, and millions of witnesses point to one person, how can we NOT be investigating this in more detail???
Big Pharma has paid out more in medical claims than any corporation or person EVER. A million bucks here and there is like pocket change for them. It's a slap on the wrist. Point is - it's not stopping them. In the face of the media and its power, the small voices of the victims hardly stand a chance. I'd say "do the research," but ... Google ...
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