Acupuncture for Kids: Natural Treatments for Allergies & Digestion
The year I worked at a daycare was the most sick I'd ever been in my life.
I had a head cold every single month. Possibly from all the runny noses I was wiping all day long. Literally not one day went by that at least someone had a runny nose.
All this to say, kids get sick! It's a little to be expected; their immune systems are still figuring things out.
Most babies are – thankfully – born healthy.
Childhood is an issue of maintaining that health.
Nutrition & Digestive Health
Breast milk is the best milk, but if that’s not an option, milk banks or raw milk is the next best thing.
Not sure where to find raw milk? Try this finder.
If you opt for formula, be cautious of the quality. I recommend avoiding soy formula.
The best first foods for baby are exceptionally fatty – egg yolks, liver, butter, avocado. Soft fruits and cooked vegetables are perfect as well. My daughter's first solid food was a piece of grilled zucchini she snatched from my hands at a friend's barbeque. She gummed the whole thing until it was gone, then snatched another piece!
Stay away from grains – yes, even the ubiquitous rice cereal – until around 2 years of age. Baby’s digestive system just isn’t ready for that yet. Introducing grains too early can lead to development of food sensitivities.
Baby reflux is typically not a problem. I've yet to see a baby NOT get it. They grow out of it when their digestive valves mature. Don’t fret too much if your infant spits up a little after eating. If it seems problematic or they're not gaining weight, then it's time to do a food elimination test.
Pediatric herbal formulas, acupressure, or NAET can also provide some relief.
Older Kids
Kids naturally crave the foods they need. Listen to what they’re craving (just as you should with yourself too!). Craving sugar? They may be eating too many sweets and are getting low blood sugar, thereby increasing the cravings. Instead, fill them up with protein, high-fiber foods, and healthy fats.
Fruit can also do the trick of steering them away from cookies and such. My kids will almost always go for a fruit smoothie made with raw, whole milk and whey protein, or a bowl of sliced fruit.
If they’re not allergic to dairy, you can try full-fat, plain and raw milk for them to drink. Yogurt or cheese is fine too. Just 2 precautions here: possible allergy to or poor quality dairy.
With skin conditions or chronic allergies, it’s best to do a 3-week elimination of all dairy and gluten to test it.
Gluten, processed white flour products, and sugar should be reduced or eliminated. For everyone.
Cook and eat healthy meals at home. Even better - teach your kids HOW to cook. At a certain age, even how to use a knife. How else are you going to learn?
Have sit-down meals together as often as possible. I’m a big fan of “you don’t have to finish your plate, but you do have to taste it.” When they try a new food, I’ll ask them “What did you think about it? Was it (salty / crunchy / sweet / etc.)?” It gets them off the “I hate it!” bandwagon and into thinking for themselves. They've even found new favorite foods because of it.
In Chinese medicine, we say that children have “unformed Qi.” In other words, their Qi – lifeforce energy – is still developing.
Kids move around a lot and that’s totally normal. Doctors or teachers who want to medicate your child into passivity is doing your kid a huge disservice. Kids learn by physically exploring their environment.
Many cases of hyperactivity are related to undiagnosed food allergies or nutritional deficiencies. This is something we can help you figure out in our clinic.
Things that have helped our clients in the past with hyperactivity include: avoiding gluten and dairy; supplementing with magnesium (or using a topical magnesium gel); the GAPS protocol; pediatric Chinese herbs; and B6.
I've found these online programs helpful for parenting "strong-willed" children:
Immune Functioning: Allergies & Illness
Kids’ Lung and Large Intestine systems are the most vulnerable to illness. That’s why the most common childhood health problems revolve around those areas: allergies, rashes, respiratory illness, and digestive problems.
For the “back-to-school cough,” which is totally a thing, I use pediatric herbal formulas. The company is Blue Poppy. I keep their formulas “Tummy Qi,” “Lung Qi,” “Allerease,” and “CQ Jr.” in stock.
Tummy Qi is for upset stomach or bowel trouble.
Lung Qi is for cough without infection (fever)
CQ Jr is for fever or any type of infection.
Allerease is for runny nose or allergies without infection.
Dosages are 1/2 droppers for infants up to 4 droppers for old kids (age 10-12).
For colds, flu, or even COVID, I use fish oil and congaplex (food-based immune support). 1 fish oil for every 20 pounds of bodyweight per day. (60 pound child = 3 fish oil capsules). 1 congaplex every 3 hours for every 10 pounds of bodyweight of the child. (60 pound child = 6 congaplex every 3 hours while sick.)
I've used this protocol for my kids, and they've never needed to take antibiotics. They're currently ages 10 and 15.
For long-term wellness, I keep my kids on a regular dose of food-based vitamins. I use fish oil: 1 tablet for each 20 pounds of body weight; congaplex for immune system problems; and catalyn – a multi (1 tablet per 10 pounds of body weight).
Other helpful tips for healthy kids:
- minimum 20 minutes outdoor play/exercise every day
- prioritizing sleep (kids need ~9-12 hours per night, depending on the child)
- each meal must include a fruit or veggie + a protein
- always take a water bottle with you
Give us a call or email if you need more tips for keeping your kids healthy all year long. No one is ever too young to start being healthy.
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