Natural Health Center Blog

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Everything I Know About Posture, I Learned in Tango

I started doing tango in 2019.  It caught my attention as a "sport" because it's...

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Natural Solutions to Acid Relux and Heartburn

When it comes to finding a permanent solution to acid reflux and heartburn...

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How to Quit Smoking (and other bad habits) with Acupuncture

This may come as a shock, but I used to smoke! 

In high school, I thought it looked...

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Acupuncture and 9 Other Recommendations for Weight Loss

Weight gain and loss is complicated for many reasons. 

  • It’s directly tied in...
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Acupuncture and 10 More Natural Treatments for Anxiety

Anxiety is a part of the normal ups and downs of life. 

It becomes a problem when...

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Are Antibiotics Bad For You?

I took my dog to the vet the other day because his kennel cough had gone on for 10 days...

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How Good Sitting Posture Can Prevent Pain

Ideally, when we sit down, that should be a time to rest, recover, and not have...

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Reverse Lower Back, Hip Pain, and Sciatica With This Daily Stretch

Back and hip pain, including sciatica and piriformis syndrome, are often debilitating,...

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How I Quickly Recovered from an Injury ... and So Can You

I have to be 100% honest with you.  I do some crazy stuff - hanging upside down...

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Why You Have One-Sided Back Pain and How to Get Rid of It

Why is it so common to have pain that’s worse on one side of the back, hip, or leg...

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How to Stop Your Irregular Period Without Surgery or Pills

Heavy periods?  Too many periods in a month?  We’ve got you covered, boo....

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