Natural Health Center Blog

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What is Yin Deficiency in Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Yin deficiency is similar to blood deficiency, which is like anemia, but a little...

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"Dampness" - the Root Cause of Arthritis, Poor Digestion, and Fatigue

In Chinese Medicine, dampness is one of the 6 types of “Evil Qi.

Damp is usually a...

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Keep Acupuncture Real: What You Must Know Before You Try Dry Needling

Written by Kristen Horner Warren, L.Ac, M.S., M.A., Dipl.OM, all rights reserved

To this point I...

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Hormonal Birth Control: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

In the 1960s, a sexual revolution for women began!

Birth control pills seemed like the...

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Top 10 Books About Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

Here’s a list of the top 10 books on acupuncture and Chinese medicine, based on an...

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What You Need to Know About Milk, and Raw Milk's "Bad Rep"

Milk has always been ubiquitous to the grocery list, but now, we're all so confused about...

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How Much Do You Need To Worry About Saturated Fats and Cholesterol

Nearly all of us have heard that we need to "watch our cholesterol" to have a healthy...

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How an Acupuncturist Chooses Which Points To Needle, Stimulate, or Bleed

When I treat someone, and they get a needle sensation and ask, “What WAS that?!”...

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How to Ween Yourself Off a Medication Using Acupuncture and Herbs

My absolute favorite moments in practice are when my patients tell me they’ve stopped...

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How Acupuncture, Herbs, and Nutrition Can Save Your Eyesight

At my ophthalmologist’s office a while back:  “Hmmm…this is...

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Natural Lice Removal Works Better Than Chemical Treatment

I can confidently say, without a single doubt in my mind, that the natural treatment for lice is...

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The Best Antiviral Herbs for the Common Cold, Flu, Cold Sores, and More

Viruses are not new to humankind, but fortunately, nature also holds the...

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