Natural Health Center Blog

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Natural Solutions for Motion Sickness, Dizziness, and Nausea

I think it all started with the Tilt-A-Whirl.

That was my first experience with motion...

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Clogged Ears? Try an Onion for Natural Congestion Relief

Did you have ear tubes put in as a child?  

If you had allergies growing up, you may...

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How Acupuncture Works for Quick and Easy Headache and Migraine Relief

Headaches and migraines are no fun. 

Fortunately, acupuncture offers some...

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Going Gluten Free - Why to Consider It, and How to Do It

So, what is the deal with gluten?  

Is it the same as wheat?  Isn’t whole wheat...

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Acupuncture for ALL Your Digestive Problems

In Chinese medicine, we say that your digestion is the “center” of your health. ...

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How Acupuncture Works for Natural Allergy Relief

We have a 3-pronged approach for handling allergies and most people start to see results in...

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Alcohol - Avoid at All Costs or Conscious Drinking?
Among the blossoms, a single jar of wine.
No one else here, I ladle it out myself.
Raising my cup,...
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Why We Need Organ Meats: Like Cures Like

In nature, it's normal for an animal to eat the placenta of her newborn.  


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Pickles - A Superfood You Can Easily Make At Home for Better Health

There is something that other countries regularly include in their diet that the US does not....

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Qi and Blood Stagnation in Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Qi Stagnation"

Qi stagnation in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)...

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What is Blood Deficiency in Traditional Chinese Medicine?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, blood deficiency is closely related to anemia, but it...

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What is Yang Qi Deficiency in Traditional Chinese Medicine?

Qi Deficiency symptoms almost always include feeling tired

Qi Deficiency can...

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