Acupuncture and Other Natural Treatment for Knee Pain
Acupuncture saved my own knees years ago.
It's been used for thousands of years to relieve pain, so of course it works.
Along the way, I also discovered some other techniques that help keep your knees mobile, strong, and resilient.
One important thing to remember when standing is that you never want to lock your knees. Most everyone says, "Oh, yeah, I never do that."
I saw how posture affected my knee pain in a Gokhale Method class. It turns out, I WAS locking my knees when I was standing (doing the dishes or whatever).

When we lock our knees, we lose our optimal alignment: hips anteverted, back and neck straight, and a strong core. The proper standing structure is essential for proper walking structure.
And, if you're a runner, all of this needs to be on point if you care to run without pain!

The next time you wait in line, look at everyone's posture. Most people do one or more things, either locking their knees, slumping their shoulders, or over-arching their backs.
I can often look at someone's posture and tell where they have pain.
Knees locked, depending on which one, or both, will lead to knee pain. One knee locked and one hip cocked to the side will lead to back pain, usually worse on one side. Or hip pain. Shoulders slumped will lead to shoulder tension, for sure. An over-arched back will also lead to back pain. Chin jutted out will lead to neck pain. The tucked pelvis will lead to hip flexor or piriformis pain.
The next time you're standing in line, take note of your posture, and also, just for fun, check out everyone around you.