Chronic Tension and Pain IS Fixable...

With the Right Movements, Done the Right Way 


"Mobility" is more than just being able to move.

Full mobility includes sitting comfortably so you can get your job done.

It's being able to run after your kids or grandkids without worrying about your back or knees giving out.

It's going beyond that plateau you've hit at the gym because of that darn knee (etc) issue.

This is nothing new.  You've probably seen or heard of all these exercises before.  

However, life gets in the way.  We forget to do thing, or don't make them a priority.  

Sometimes we need a deeper understanding of WHY we do things that help. 

I have a 3-step system for pain relief. 

1. Align (the correct FORM and POSTURE)

2. Activate (certain muscles are designed to bear weight)

3. BREATHE.  (without deep breath, we make no progress)

What's Inside

6 Tests and Exercises - 

  • Specific exercises to release tension 
  • Optimizing your posture and form 
  • Progressions for all body types
  • 3-Step process for healing injuries
  • Corrections for common mistakes


Download the Freebie!

A good stance and posture reflect a proper state of mind.

-Morihei Ueshiba

Want to Learn More About Pain Relief?

Get on the list for my Pain Relief Master Class!

This 6-week, full-mobility program is designed for relief of all types of pain including arthritis, stress and tension, hormone-related pain, diabetic pain, athletic injuries, disc and connective tissue problems, and more.  



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