The Tools You Need to Get Out of Pain &

Enjoy Your Life


A 6-Week Transformation


Work within your own ability to move your Qi (energy) and transform stiff, sore, aching, tense, tight, stabbing, burning, numb, tingling, weak discomfort with just a few minutes a day.

Despite what you may have been told, pain doesn't have to be a life sentence.

Chronic pain slows you down.  It can ruin your day, or even years of your life.     

When you're in pain, it's distracting.  You can't do what you want to do.  It zaps your energy.  

And that's not OK.  

It may even feel hopeless.  If you've been diagnosed with "arthritis," or "bulging discs," it may seem like there's no way out.  Like you're at the mercy of doctors and pills.  

Or that you've already tried "everything."  

Many people seek help from Physical Therapy, but that's not always accessible.  And it doesn't always work.

Sometimes people need surgery, but often, from what I've experienced with REAL patients, is that surgery is often avoidable.  


Introducing my signature program,

Pain Relief Formula -

Using Posture to Get to the Root Cause of Tension, Pain, and Neuropathy


  • Productive Days

    Get through your workday - driving, sitting, lifting - with energy, peace, and enthusiasm.  Enjoy improved hand-eye and brain-body coordination.
  • Hobbies & Fun

    Plan that trip.  Go out dancing with friends.  Chase the kids around the playground.  Enjoy your sex life.  True freedom comes from within!
  • Athletic Performance

    Up-level your sport.  Out-perform yourself.  Be faster, stronger, and more balanced.  Understand what your body wants and needs.
  • Sound Sleep

    Wake up with energy.  No more tossing and turning, trying to find a comfortable position. Inner peace comes when you're not distracted with pain.
  • Aging Gracefully

    Maintain your balance, strength, and flexibility.  Keep your bones & joints strong. Stay active and keep enjoying your life.  

"I have chronically tight hips and injured myself doing some work around the house.  Something like this normally would have me down for weeks.  I was walking around within 2 days using the information from this course."

Raechel, PRF Graduate

Most exercises to stretch the neck end up hurting me.  This class was exactly what I needed.  I feel so much better. 

- Lori B. 


I've been doing what Nicole recommended for my elbows, and they're not hurting when I lift my grocery bags now! 

- Gabby R. 


I do the sciatic flossing every morning before I get out of bed.  It's rarely a problem now.  Even the cyst I had on my sacrum went away! 

- Robbie S.

What’s Inside Pain Relief Formula 


Module 1

Primal Posture 

Some parts of the world have almost NO lower back pain.  They've maintained their "primal posture."  It's the way human bodies are designed to function.

Regain your natural posture and move through any sport, long work day, or activity without pain:

This is a foundation for living a pain-free life.  Everything you learn here TRANSFERS to all other movements (including sleep).

  • Trouble-shoot your sitting, walking, bending, and sleeping posture
  • Movements that enhance your natural, pain-free posture
  • How to incorporate good form while driving, working, and doing athletics
Module 2

Rehab at Home - the First Step

Small actions to make a big difference.  

Improving circulation and range of motion:

In TCM, we say that pain is "stagnant Qi."  Here, we'll show you what to do to move your Qi safely.  

  • Effective vs not-so-good ways to foam roll
  • Techniques to get out of pain quick
  • Choosing the right supplements and herbs for you
  • Inflammation-proof your diet with the right nutrition for your body
Module 3

Opening Up Range of Motion

Using the good form outlined in Module 1, we start improving your range of motion.  

Instant pain-relieving exercises:

Safe stretching for reducing nervy pains. 

  • Work into and around pain areas effectively
  • Injury & chronic pain recovery phase 
  • Focus on deep breathing and listening to your body
Module 4

Active Stretching

Using opposite muscle groups to safely go further into a stretch, improving joint function and strength.

Create more space for circulation and ease:

Making your pain areas more resilient to daily stress.

  • Stretches based on your breath and current ability
  • Gradually improving mobility and easing tension
  • Better muscle balance
  • (optional!) Prep for splits, backbends, and handstands
Module 5

Building Strength to Maintain Results

The stuff we all "should" do.

Strength prevents injuries before they happen:

The last step in your pain-relief process.

  • Improve core, arm, and glute strength - no equipment required
  • Avoiding injuries while increasing strength
  • Build power, speed, and athletic endurance
  • Age gracefully - improve bone density and muscle tone 
Module 6

15-Minute Routines

Now that you're familiar with this new "language" of mobility, it's time to put it all together.

Do these weekly to prevent or treat pains:

The whole program, simplified.

  • Targeted pain-relief routines
  • All-levels and abilities
  • Little to no equipment required
  • Customizable workout / warm-up routines 

When you enroll,

you’ll get:


Pain Relief Formula
(A $3500 Value)


  • 6 Modules

    Step-by-step instructions & videos to take you from stiffness, pain, and tingling to strength, balance, & ease.

  • Downloadable PDFs

    At-a-glance instructions for what to do and when to do it.
  • My Guidance

    Pre-recorded Q&A sessions of clients working with me on the material.
  • Support & Motivation

    I'll be in your in-box making sure you're understanding it and getting the results you want.  

Plus These Bonuses to Help You  


Bonus 1

Yoga & Mobility Workshops

Follow-along workout videos for you to integrate what you've learned so far into a new system of healing.

(A $500 Value)

What You’ll Get:

2 of my favorite yoga instuctors take you through their specialized material.  Plus, a mobility session with my dance instructor, Odette.  

  • All levels 
  • Focus on form and posture
  • Upper body or lower body-focused
Bonus 2

8 Brocade Qi Gong Set

Qi Gong is a way of exercise that enhances your life energy.  

(A $800 Value)

What You’ll Get:

Feel relaxed, yet energized.  Strong, yet flexible.  

  •  Step-by-step instructions for all 8 parts of the set.
  •  Downloadable PDFs with additional details.
  •  Enhances health of your eyes, waist, spine, and internal organs.  
Bonus 3

How Twerking Can Save Your Hips

Michaela takes us through the basics of twerking and dialing into your feminine energy.

(A $250 Value)

What You’ll Get:

A fun dance workout with potential for deep healing.

  • How your hips are connected with your menstrual cycle
  • Ass-olations for a strong booty
  • Protecting your spine and getting a strong-as-heck core

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Pain Relief Formula - $3500 Value

  • Mobility & Yoga Workshops - $500 Value
  • Qi Gong Set - $800 Value
  • Twerking Workshop - $250 Value

Total Value: $5050

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $5050.

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just: $495

6 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



30-Day Satisfaction Guarantee

I know this can work for you if you put in the effort.  

I feel so strongly about the effect of this system that I'm putting my $$$ where my mouth is and offering a money-back guarantee.  If you put in the work, and it's just not for you, let me know and I'll refund your investment.  

Frequently Asked Questions

What people asked before signing up for Pain Relief Formala

Enroll in Pain Relief Formula Today

6 Monthly Payments of




A One-Time Payment of



Still thinking about it?


7 Ways to Know You’re Ready to Join

  1. You want a system that supports your body in all stages of life.
  2. You've already tried the one-off exercises and still have the problem.
  3. You want to make sense of all the information out there.
  4. You're ready and willing to put in the time and work.
  5. You're already exercising and stretching...but the problem is still there too.
  6. You don't want the issue to get worse.  And if unaddressed, it will. 
  7. You want the tools for pain relief at your fingertips.

Not only do I help people in pain, but I've had just about every type of pain too. 

* I've had to hobble down a flight of stairs using the handrail because my knee was all jacked up.

* I had shoulder tension that went on for years before I figured out how to get to the root of the problem.

* I've had whiplash injuries to my neck.

* I tried to learn handstands in my 40s which led to a wrist problem.

* An old hamstring injury from long-distance running in high school led to a a recent sciatic issue and heel pain.  

I've figured out a way to gets to the root of these issues.  And I can't wait to show you that it's not as complicated as it first seems.  

Bodies are complex chemistry sets, and our joints (neck, hips, shoulders, etc.) are complicated as well.  Which is why having a system helps.  Rather than trying some of this and some of that, and then starting over...  Let me show you how to finally feel relief.  

Nicole Lentfer, L.Ac. 

Enroll in Pain Relief Formula Today

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